Jan Wieck JanWieck
Tue May 31 16:49:04 PDT 2005
On 5/31/2005 12:38 PM, Manuel Garc?a wrote:

> Hi, I need some advices, maybe somebody can help me. I need to replicate some tables that are in different servers, all that servers  using PostgreSql 7.3 , I need consolidate all information inside many tables that are allocated on Oracle, but I need to apply only the changes because If I insert all the information my process take around 3 or more hours. Then I need to consolidate all the information applying only the movements that I don't apply yet.

It might be possible to achieve this to some degree with the upcoming 
version 1.1 of Slony-I.

You can get external SQL files of all changes from an existing Slony-I 
"replica". That means that you need to have a full functioning setup of 
the Slony replication system, with at least one subscriber for every of 
your different servers.

The produced SQL files will contain only basic SQL statements. INSERT, 
UPDATE and DELETE, all primary key based. So I would assume that feeding 
those via sqlplus or similar into your Oracle database should be possible.


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
#================================================== JanWieck at Yahoo.com #

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