Hannu Krosing hannu
Fri May 13 14:31:35 PDT 2005
On R, 2005-05-13 at 08:23 -0400, Jan Wieck wrote:
> On 5/13/2005 6:38 AM, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> The Slony-I log trigger is an AFTER trigger. Only BEFORE triggers can 
> modify NEW. Everything that tries to modify a tuple once stored has to 
> issue another query, thereby creating new row versions and firing the 
> log trigger again.
> I still have to see a test case where plperl succeeds in confusing the 
> trigger manager so much that it forgets to fire AR triggers. That would 
> be the only way how what Sven claims could have happened.

We had a similar problem with a BEFORE trigger (in pl/pgsql) that
modified NEW after doing a lookup from another table. and then another
AFTER trigger modified that row from that another table which had also
both BEFORE and AFTER triggers.

Could it be that ion some cases the slony UPDATEs stored inside the same
transaction can be stored in different order then they actually
happened ?

I'll see if I can come up with a simple test case.

And it was not "reproducable" in the sense that it happened every time,
but it did happen several times. (pg 7.4.5 slony 1.0.5)

Hannu Krosing <hannu at skype.net>

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