Tass Chapman tass
Sat Mar 12 17:42:35 PST 2005
We are seeing the following issue occur sporadically on out master and 
forwarders, sometimes a few times within 48 hours , sometimes not for a few 
weeks. It stops the SLON daemon though, so we have to restart it to get our 
replication working again.

DEBUG1 cleanupThread:    0.007 seconds for delete logs
FATAL  cleanupThread: "vacuum analyze "_user_master".sl_event; vacuum
analyze "_user_master".sl_confirm; vacuum analyze "_user_master".sl_setsync;
vacuum analyze "_user_master".sl_log_1; vacuum
analyze "_user_master".sl_log_2;vacuum analyze "_use
r_master".sl_seqlog;vacuum analyze pg_catalog.pg_listener;" - ERROR:
duplicate key violates unique constraint "pg_statisti c_relid_att_index"
DEBUG1 syncThread: thread done
DEBUG1 main: scheduler mainloop returned
INFO   remoteListenThread_2: disconnecting from 'dbname=master
host={HOST_NAME} port=5432 user={USER} password={PASSWORD}'
DEBUG1 remoteListenThread_2: thread done
DEBUG1 localListenThread: thread done
DEBUG1 remoteWorkerThread_2: thread done
DEBUG1 main: done

Then at this point some ascii ESC as it stops.

We have  several SLON clusters running on our master, going to a few dozen 
systems in total.
Running LFS with a kernel of 2.6.9 SMP, SLONY 1.0.5 and Postgres 7.4.6.

We have set processor affinity as well.

Any suggestions? Is this  known issue ?



"All my friends and I are crazy.  That's the only thing that keeps us sane."

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