Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Fri Jun 10 19:25:33 PDT 2005
Tang, Jason wrote:

>Hi All,
>I've been gifted with the task of implementing replication. I've had it
>replicating a simple db. However now I'm going to be doing it for real
>and the actual db has far too many tables/sequences to do it by hand.
>I'm wondering if anyone out there has been through the exercise of
>writing something to pull out and generate a file to describe the set as
>a starting point.
>I thought I'd ask on here as it seems silly to potentially reinvent the
>wheel again. Any related links you guys could direct me towards
There's a tool in the "altperl" directory that is called ""
or "" which tries to build a config file for the
"altperl" tools as a starting point for you.

Other than that, it wouldn't be too hard to build a query that rummages
around in the information_schema namespace for table and sequence names
and generates, as output, a set of "set add table" and "set add
sequence" statements.

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