John Sidney-Woollett johnsw
Sat Jan 29 10:36:48 PST 2005
In the next release of slon, can the logs include timestamps?

Our current log:

CONFIG main: slon version 1.0.5 starting up
CONFIG main: local node id = 3
CONFIG main: loading current cluster configuration
CONFIG storeNode: no_id=1 no_comment='db01a 7.4.6'
CONFIG enableSubscription: sub_set=5
CONFIG storeSet: set_id=6 set_origin=1 set_comment='bpix wdvolume seqs'
CONFIG storeSubscribe: sub_set=6 sub_provider=1 sub_forward='f'
CONFIG enableSubscription: sub_set=6

It would be useful to have each line prefixed by a date+time, or a slon 
switch to timestamp the log entries (either on or off).

Thanks for listening.

John Sidney-Woollett

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