Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Wed Apr 20 14:28:24 PDT 2005
"Andrei Bintintan" <klodoma at> writes:
> I want to run for the first time the replication.
> ?
> slony-I-basic-mstr-slv.txt >> but when I run the first script I get the following error:
> ?
> <stdin>:56: ERROR: syntax error at or near?_EOF_
> ?
> Is it bash or slonik???

That is a slonik error message, but it's likely enough that the
problem may be on the Bash side...

I don't see this, but you may want to "count quotes" as the error
seems consistent with there maybe being an extra quote somewhere such
that the remainder of the script is treated as unterminated.

It is not uncommon for cut'n'paste of bits of this documentation file
to corrupt the contents depending on what you use to grab bits out of

You may want to take a peek at the scripts in .../src/ducttape; as
long as you set $PGPORT (and possibly $PGHOST) to indicate how to
connect to your DB backend, that should work, and those scripts are
pretty sure NOT to have bit-rotted, as many of them get run regularly
in testing Slony-I.
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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