Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Thu Sep 30 23:07:03 PDT 2004
Hash: SHA1

Rod Taylor wrote:
| On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 15:00, Vivek Khera wrote:
|>Revised patch.  Earlier one had one typo in it for the init_cluster.  I
|>went ahead and also modified drop_node and uninstall_node in this
|>As I type, my monster DB is replicating from one test server to
|>another.  I wonder how long it will take, given a restore takes over 4
|>hours on that test box.
| Please post back your resulting timeline. I'm going to be going through
| 7.2 to 7.4 upgrade testing shortly (hacked up Slony earlier to work on
| 7.2), and would like to have an approximate timeline.

If you have an "honest to goodness monster," then it's a good idea to
drop as many indices from the destination system as you can, because
it's cheaper to use CREATE INDEX afterwards than it is to build the
indices on the fly.

Part of me hopes that you post something about your 7.2 build, because
that would surely be useful to some.  Part of me is very glad that it's
not relevant to me because we haven't got any 7.2 systems anymore  ;-).
~   I'm fine with you getting all of the "7.2-to-7.4" consulting
engagements :^).
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