Vivek Khera vivek
Fri Sep 17 16:03:03 PDT 2004
I'm running the sample pgbench replication from the docs. I built Pg 
and slony from freebsd ports. slony is 1.0.2, freebsd 4.10 with Pg 

I'm having an issue with running the slon daemon. I got it to work on a 
FreeBSD 5.3beta system with Pg 7.4.5 just fine. What happens on FreeBSD 
4.10 is when I run slon either as the client or the master it stops 
after printing "CONFIG main: local node id = 1" or id=2 for the slave.

I turned on logging of all queries, and the only thing that slon 
queries is this:

Sep 17 10:53:25 staging postgres[4033]: [2-1] LOG:  duration: 2.163 ms  
statement: select last_value::int4 from 

Then the slon process sits in a "poll" state accumulating no CPU.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?  All my production boxes are FreeBSD 
4.10, and I'm pretty sure Jan is using FreeBSD 4, too...

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                MailerMailer, LLC     Rockville, MD                     +1-301-869-4449 x806
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