Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Sep 7 23:15:54 PDT 2004
elein <elein at> writes:
> This straight from issue is in the howto_install document.  It is
> good to know it is not important, but the document should be
> changed, too.

Ah, but this is still a really good "rule of thumb," whether it's
mandated by the internals of Slony-I or not.  If the servers differ,
then your distributed system will have unpredictable behaviour,
particularly if there's any behaviour where the system uses timestamps
to determine behaviour.

To wit...  "Slony-I may not directly depend on providers and
subscribers having well synchronized time, but using NTP to keep the
clocks well-disciplined is a vital component of any distributed

Slony-I may be introducing people to distributed applications that
haven't done this before, and we shouldn't counsel them to ignore one
of the Important Good Practices.
output = reverse("" "@" "enworbbc")
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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