Daniel P. Berrange dan
Tue Jul 27 15:10:54 PDT 2004
On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 10:55:00AM -0400, David Parker wrote:
> But I haven't used DBI before, and I'm having difficulty discovering how
> to hook it in to postgres. One posting in the archives (which are
> incredibly slow today, it seems) mentioned DBD:PG, but I can't seem to
> find that on cpan.org.

You're just missing a semicolon there - DBD::Pg

> I realize this is not really a slony question, but any guidance getting
> me started would be appreciated. Which API should I use? Where can I
> find it?

DBI is the generic database layer, DBD::Pg is the postgresql driver.
The man pages for both those modules give quite detailed API docs.
I believe there is an O'Reilly bok about DBI, but for basic intro
I'd just find a few short pieces of code to look through, since its
not that complicated an API.

As a starter the general pattern  I tend to use is something like:

  use DBI;
  my $db = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=mydb;host=myhost", 
                        $username, $password, {
			  RaiseError => 1,
			  PrintError => 0,
			  AutoCommit => 0});
  eval {
    my $sth1 = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO foo (bar) values (?)");
    my $sth2 = $db->prepare("SELECT bar, wizz FROM foo where bar > ?");
    my ($bar, $wizz);
    $sth2->bind_columns(\$bar, \$wizz);
    while ($sth2->fetchrow) {
        print "Got $bar $wizz\n";

  if ($@) {
    if ($db) {
    die $@;
  } else {

|=-            GPG key: http://www.berrange.com/~dan/gpgkey.txt       -=|
|=-       Perl modules: http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/              -=|
|=-           Projects: http://freshmeat.net/~danielpb/               -=|
|=-   berrange at redhat.com  -  Daniel Berrange  -  dan at berrange.com    -=|
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