j slony
Tue Dec 21 01:28:52 PST 2004
Can someone tell my why this top script breaks with "<stdin>:5: ERROR: 
syntax error at or near echo", but the bottom one works?  Commenting out 
that first echo makes the error go away.

slonik <<_EOF_
     # ----
     # This defines which namespace the replication system uses
     # ----
     cluster name = $CLUSTERNAME;
     echo 'Cluster defined';

     # ----
     # Admin conninfo's are used by the slonik program to connect
     # to the node databases.  So these are the PQconnectdb arguments
     # that connect from the administrators workstation (where
     # slonik is executed).
     # ----
     node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDBNAME host=$MASTERHOST 
     node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME host=$SLAVEHOST 
     echo 'Nodes identified';

     # ----
     # Uninstall both nodes
     # ----
     uninstall node (id=1);
     echo 'Node 1 removed.';
     uninstall node (id=2);
     echo 'Node 2 removed.';

slonik <<_EOF_
     # ----
     # This defines which namespace the replication system uses
     # ----
     cluster name = $CLUSTERNAME;
     #echo 'Cluster defined';

     # ----
     # Admin conninfo's are used by the slonik program to connect
     # to the node databases.  So these are the PQconnectdb arguments
     # that connect from the administrators workstation (where
     # slonik is executed).
     # ----
     node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDBNAME host=$MASTERHOST 
     node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDBNAME host=$SLAVEHOST 
     echo 'Nodes identified';

     # ----
     # Uninstall both nodes
     # ----
     uninstall node (id=1);
     echo 'Node 1 removed.';
     uninstall node (id=2);
     echo 'Node 2 removed.';

What is wrong with the echo 'Cluster defined'; statement?

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