Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Sep 25 11:25:13 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/tests/testmergeset
In directory

Added Files:
	README init_add_tables.ik init_cluster.ik 
	init_create_set.ik init_data.sql init_schema.sql 
	init_subscribe_set.ik schema.diff settings.ik 
Log Message:
Add in a test that exercises MERGE SET; this is based on the partitioning
test (tests/testpartition), the difference being that in this test, the
partitions are added to replication via:
 - creating a new set (#999)
 - adding the new table to that set
 - subscribing all nodes to that set
 - merging set #999 into set #1

--- NEW FILE: settings.ik ---

--- NEW FILE: init_cluster.ik ---
init cluster (id=1, comment = 'Regress test node');

--- NEW FILE: ---

for i in 1 2 1a 2a; do
   echo "grant select on table public.table${i} to ${weakuser};"
   echo "grant select on table public.table${i}_id_seq to ${weakuser};"
--- NEW FILE: ---

  echo "init_dml()"

  echo "begin()"

  echo "rollback()"

  echo "commit()"

more_data ()
  #for year in 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012; do
  for year in 2006 ; do
     #for month in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; do
     for month in 1 2 3 ; do
	 echo "" > ${GENDATA}
         numrows=$(random_number 50 75)
         status "Generating ${numrows} transactions of random data for ${year}/${month}"
	 while : ; do
	   if [ ${i} -ge ${numrows} ]; then
	       i=$((${i} +1))
	   quantity=$(random_number 1 9)
	   day=$(random_number 1 25)   # Peculiar company that closes up the last few days of the month
	   hour=$(random_number 8 19)  # sells during "human" hours of the day in London
	   minute=$(random_number 1 59)
	   echo "select purchase_product (region_code, product_id, (${quantity}+random()*3)::integer, '${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${minute} GMT'::timestamptz) from regions, products order by random() limit 3;" >> ${GENDATA}
	 size=`wc -l ${GENDATA}`
	 status "got data for ${year}/${month} - ${size} items"
	 status "Generate DDL script for new set for ${year}/${month}"
	 sh ${testname}/ ${year} ${month} ${CLUSTER1} > ${DDLSQL}
	 sh ${testname}/ ${DDLSQL} ${year} ${month} >> ${SCRIPT}
	 status "Added new partition for ${year}/${month}, merged into set 1"
	 status "Load data for ${year}/${month}"
	 eval db=\$DB${originnode}
	 $pgbindir/psql -h $host -p $port -d $db -U $user < ${GENDATA} 1>> $mktmp/loaddata_${year}_${month}.log 2>> $mktmp/loaddata_${year}_${month}.log
  status "done"

  eval db=\$DB${originnode}
  eval host=\$HOST${originnode}
  eval user=\$USER${originnode}
  eval port=\$PORT${originnode}
  # generate_initdata  - # No initial data!
  status "loading data"
  #$pgbindir/psql -h $host -p $port -d $db -U $user < $mktmp/ 1> $mktmp/initdata.log 2> $mktmp/initdata.log
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    warn 3 "do_initdata failed, see $mktmp/initdata.log for details"
  status "done"


--- NEW FILE: ---
tableid=`printf "%04d%02d" ${year} ${month}`
echo "
       SET ID = 1,
       FILENAME = '${ddlfile}',
       EVENT NODE = 1

  create set (id=999, origin = 1, comment='Temporary set for new partition');

  set add table (set id=999, origin=1, id=${tableid}, fully qualified name='public.sales_txns_${year}_${month}');
  subscribe set (id=999, provider=1, receiver=2, forward = yes);
  sync (id=1);
  wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=2);
  subscribe set (id=999, provider=1, receiver=3, forward = no);
  sync (id=1);
  wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=3);
  subscribe set (id=999, provider=2, receiver=4, forward = no);
  sync (id=1);
  wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=4);
  sync (id=1);
  sleep (seconds = 5);
  wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=4);
  sync (id=1);
  wait for event (origin=1, confirmed=all, wait on=4);
  merge set (ID = 1, ADD ID = 999, ORIGIN = 1 );


--- NEW FILE: init_add_tables.ik ---
set add table (id=1, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.regions', comment='regions table');
set add table (id=2, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.products', comment='product table');
set add table (id=3, set id=1, origin=1, fully qualified name = 'public.sales_txns', comment='Global sales transactions');

--- NEW FILE: ---

# We're looking for what month and year follow year/month by 1 month
nextmonth=$((${month} +1))
if [ ${nextmonth} -ge 13 ]; then
   nextmonthsyear=$((${year} +1))

tableid=`printf "%04d%02d" ${year} ${month}`
echo "
create table sales_txns_${year}_${month} (
   check (trans_on >= '${year}-${month}-01' and trans_on < '${nextmonthsyear}-${nextmonth}-01'),
   primary key(id)
)  inherits (sales_txns);

create rule sales_${year}_${month} as on insert to sales_txns where trans_on >= '${year}-${month}-01' and trans_on < '${nextmonthsyear}-${nextmonth}-01'
do instead (
      insert into sales_txns_${year}_${month} select, new.trans_on, new.region_code, new.product_id, new.quantity, new.amount;


--- NEW FILE: init_create_set.ik ---
create set (id=1, origin=1, comment='All test1 tables');

--- NEW FILE: init_data.sql ---
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1001, 'US', 'NY', 'New York City');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1002, 'US', 'NY', 'Albany');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1003, 'US', 'MA', 'Boston');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1004, 'US', 'PH', 'Philadelphia');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1005, 'US', 'DC', 'Washington');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1006, 'US', 'GA', 'Atlanta');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1007, 'US', 'FL', 'Miami');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (1008, 'US', 'ME', 'Portland');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2000, 'US', 'OR', 'Portland');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2001, 'US', 'CA', 'Los Angeles');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2002, 'US', 'CA', 'San Francisco');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2003, 'US', 'NV', 'Las Vegas');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2004, 'US', 'CA', 'San Diego');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (2005, 'US', 'WA', 'Seattle');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (3000, 'CA', 'ON', 'Ottawa');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (3001, 'CA', 'ON', 'Toronto');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (3002, 'CA', 'NS', 'Halifax');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (3003, 'CA', 'AB', 'Calgary');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (3004, 'CA', 'BC', 'Vancouver');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4000, 'GB', NULL, 'London');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4001, 'DE', NULL, 'Munich');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4002, 'FR', NULL, 'Paris');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4003, 'IT', NULL, 'Rome');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4004, 'EG', NULL, 'Cairo');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4005, 'JP', NULL, 'Tokyo');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4006, 'CH', NULL, 'Bejing');
insert into regions (region_code, iso_country, region, city) values (4007, 'AU', NULL, 'Melbourne');

insert into products (name, price) values ('Batarang', 275.00);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Bat Rope', 17.55);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Bat Belt', 24.99);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Blaster', 488.95);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Phased Plasma Rifle (40W)', 823.95);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch', 182.44);
insert into products (name, price) values ('BFG 9000', 2788.05);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Cell Phone', 281.00);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Cone of Silence', 2481.00);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Shoe Phone', 175.00);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Umbrella of Silence', 3500.00);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Bunsen Burner Phone', 182.50);
insert into products (name, price) values ('Gun Phone', 352.75);

select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-15') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;
select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-16') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;
select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-17') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;
select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-18') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;
select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-19') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;
select purchase_product( region_code, product_id, (random()*5+random()*8+random()*7)::integer, '2006-01-20') from regions, products order by random() limit 3;

--- NEW FILE: init_schema.sql ---
create table regions (
  region_code integer primary key,
  iso_country char(2),
  region text,
  city text
create unique index region_names on regions(iso_country, region, city);

create table products (
  product_id serial primary key,
  name text unique not null,
  price numeric(10,2) not null

create table sales_txns (
   id serial primary key not null,
   trans_on timestamptz not null default 'now()',
   region_code integer not null references regions(region_code),
   product_id integer not null references products(product_id),
   quantity integer not null,
   amount numeric(12,2) not null

create or replace function sales_trig_ins () returns trigger as '
   raise exception ''Missing sales_txns partition for date %'', new.trans_on;
' language plpgsql;

create trigger sales_txn_ins before insert on sales_txns
    for each row execute procedure  sales_trig_ins();

create rule sales_txn_update as on update to sales_txns where new.trans_on <> old.trans_on
do instead (
   insert into sales_txns (id,trans_on,region_code,product_id,quantity,amount) values (, new.trans_on, new.region_code, new.product_id, new.quantity, new.amount);
   delete from sales_txns where id =;

-- We will be doing inserts into sales_txns inside the following stored proc
create or replace function purchase_product (integer, integer, integer, timestamptz) returns numeric(12,2) as '
   i_region alias for $1;
   i_product alias for $2;
   i_quantity alias for $3;
   i_txndate alias for $4;
   c_price numeric(10,2);
   c_amount numeric(12,2);
   select price into c_price from products where product_id = i_product;
   c_amount := c_price * i_quantity;
   insert into sales_txns (region_code, product_id, quantity, amount, trans_on) values (i_region, i_product, i_quantity, c_amount, i_txndate);
   return c_amount;
end' language plpgsql;

--- NEW FILE: schema.diff ---
select id, trans_on, quantity, amount from sales_txns order by id
select 'main', * from only sales_txns order by id
select '2006_1', * from sales_txns_2006_1 order by id
select '2006_2', * from sales_txns_2006_2 order by id
select '2006_3', * from sales_txns_2006_3 order by id
select '2006_4', * from sales_txns_2006_4 order by id

$Id: README,v 1.1 2007-09-25 18:25:11 cbbrowne Exp $
testmergeset sets up a series of replication sets, progressively
merging them together.

This was written based on "testpartition", the difference being that
in this test, tables are added to replication via explicitly creating
a set (a temporary set #999), and then merging that set back into the
main set.

--- NEW FILE: init_subscribe_set.ik ---
subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = yes);
wait for event(origin = all, confirmed = 2, wait on=1);
subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 3, forward = no);
wait for event(origin = all, confirmed = 3, wait on=1);
subscribe set (id = 1, provider = 2, receiver = 4, forward = no);
wait for event(origin = all, confirmed = 4, wait on=1);

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