Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Wed Apr 18 08:03:53 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend
In directory

Modified Files:
	slony1_base.sql slony1_funcs.c slony1_funcs.sql 
Log Message:
Patch that removes TABLE ADD KEY from CVS HEAD.  This supercedes the
previous patch:

Per Bill Moran's comments, this also drops out usage of sl_rowid_seq.

It passes test1, as revised in the patch (e.g. - to remove usage of

creating origin DB: cbbrowne -h localhost -U cbbrowne -p 5882 slonyregress1
add plpgsql to Origin
loading origin DB with test1/init_schema.sql
setting up user cbbrowne to have weak access to data
creating subscriber 2 DB: cbbrowne -h localhost -U cbbrowne -p 5882
add plpgsql to subscriber
loading subscriber 2 DB from slonyregress1
creating cluster
storing nodes
Granting weak access on Slony-I schema
storing paths
launching originnode : /opt/OXRS/dbs/pgsql82/bin/slon -s500 -g10 -d2
slony_regress1 "dbname=slonyregress1 host=localhost user=cbbrowne port=5882"
launching: /opt/OXRS/dbs/pgsql82/bin/slon -s500 -g10 -d2 slony_regress1
"dbname=slonyregress2 host=localhost user=cbbrowne port=5882"
generating 468 transactions of random data
0 %
5 %
10 %
15 %
20 %
25 %
30 %
35 %
40 %
45 %
50 %
55 %
60 %
65 %
70 %
75 %
80 %
85 %
90 %
95 %
100 %
launching polling script
loading data
data load complete
completed generate_sync_event() test
completed make_function_strict() test
slony is caught up
getting data from origin DB for diffing
getting data from node 2 for diffing against origin
subscriber node 2 is the same as origin node 1
**** killing slon node 1
**** killing slon node 2
waiting for slons to die
dropping database
test test1 completed successfully

Index: slony1_funcs.c
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.57
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -C2 -d -r1.57 -r1.58
*** slony1_funcs.c	16 Jan 2007 21:40:19 -0000	1.57
--- slony1_funcs.c	18 Apr 2007 15:03:51 -0000	1.58
*** 41,44 ****
--- 41,49 ----
+ /* -- Change from PostgreSQL Ver 8.3 -- */
+ #ifndef VARATT_SIZEP
+ #endif
*** 1394,1411 ****
! 				"insert into %s.sl_seqlog "
! 				"(seql_seqid, seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_last_value) "
! 		   "select seq_id, '%d', currval('%s.sl_event_seq'), seq_last_value "
! 				"from %s.sl_seqlastvalue "
! 				"where seq_origin = '%d'; "
! 				"insert into %s.sl_seqlog "
! 				"(seql_seqid, seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_last_value) "
! 				"select '0', '%d', currval('%s.sl_event_seq'), "
! 				" last_value from %s.sl_rowid_seq; ",
! 				cs->clusterident,
! 				cs->localNodeId, cs->clusterident,
! 				cs->clusterident, cs->localNodeId,
! 				cs->clusterident, cs->localNodeId,
! 				cs->clusterident, cs->clusterident);
  		cs->plan_record_sequences = SPI_saveplan(SPI_prepare(query, 0, NULL));
--- 1399,1415 ----
! 			"insert into %s.sl_seqlog "
! 			"(seql_seqid, seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno, seql_last_value) "
! 			"select seq_id, '%d', currval('%s.sl_event_seq'), seq_last_value "
! 			"from %s.sl_seqlastvalue "
! 			"where seq_origin = '%d'; "
! 			"insert into %s.sl_seqlog "
! 			"(seql_seqid, seql_origin, seql_ev_seqno) "
! 			"select '0', '%d', currval('%s.sl_event_seq'); ",
! 			cs->clusterident,
! 			cs->localNodeId, cs->clusterident,
! 			cs->clusterident, cs->localNodeId,
! 			cs->clusterident, cs->localNodeId,
! 			cs->clusterident);
  		cs->plan_record_sequences = SPI_saveplan(SPI_prepare(query, 0, NULL));

Index: slony1_base.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_base.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.32
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -C2 -d -r1.32 -r1.33
*** slony1_base.sql	18 Jul 2006 17:59:59 -0000	1.32
--- slony1_base.sql	18 Apr 2007 15:03:51 -0000	1.33
*** 513,527 ****
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- SEQUENCE sl_rowid_seq
- --
- --	Application tables that do not have a natural primary key must
- --	be modified and an int8 column added that serves as a rowid for us.
- --	The values are assigned with a default from this sequence.
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create sequence @NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq;
- grant select, update on @NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq to public;
- comment on sequence @NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq is 'Application tables that do not have a natural primary key must be modified and an int8 column added that serves as a rowid for us.  The values are assigned with a default from this sequence.';
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 513,516 ----

Index: slony1_funcs.sql
RCS file: /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/src/backend/slony1_funcs.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.106
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -C2 -d -r1.106 -r1.107
*** slony1_funcs.sql	16 Mar 2007 14:43:29 -0000	1.106
--- slony1_funcs.sql	18 Apr 2007 15:03:51 -0000	1.107
*** 719,724 ****
  	-- ----
  	perform setval(''@NAMESPACE at .sl_local_node_id'', p_local_node_id);
- 	perform setval(''@NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq'', 
- 			p_local_node_id::int8 * ''1000000000000000''::int8);
  	perform @NAMESPACE at .storeNode_int (p_local_node_id, p_comment, false);
--- 719,722 ----
*** 4649,4790 ****
  SYNC.  ';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION tableAddKey (tab_fqname)
- --
- --	If the specified table does not have a column 
- --	"_Slony-I_<clustername>_rowID", then add it as a bigint
- --	with default nextval('"_<clustername>".sl_rowid_seq').
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .tableAddKey(text) returns text
- as '
- declare
- 	p_tab_fqname	alias for $1;
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted	text default '''';
- 	v_attkind		text default '''';
- 	v_attrow		record;
- 	v_have_serial	bool default ''f'';
- begin
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted := @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_input(p_tab_fqname);
- 	--
- 	-- Loop over the attributes of this relation
- 	-- and add a "v" for every user column, and a "k"
- 	-- if we find the Slony-I special serial column.
- 	--
- 	for v_attrow in select PGA.attnum, PGA.attname
- 			from "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC,
- 			    "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_attribute PGA
- 			where @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || ''.'' ||
- 			    @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = v_tab_fqname_quoted
- 				and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace
- 				and PGA.attrelid = PGC.oid
- 				and not PGA.attisdropped
- 				and PGA.attnum > 0
- 			order by attnum
- 	loop
- 		if v_attrow.attname = ''_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID'' then
- 		    v_attkind := v_attkind || ''k'';
- 			v_have_serial := ''t'';
- 		else
- 			v_attkind := v_attkind || ''v'';
- 		end if;
- 	end loop;
- 	--
- 	-- A table must have at least one attribute, so not finding
- 	-- anything means the table does not exist.
- 	--
- 	if not found then
- 		raise exception ''Slony-I: tableAddKey(): table % not found'', v_tab_fqname_quoted;
- 	end if;
- 	--
- 	-- If it does not have the special serial column, we
- 	-- have to add it. This will be only half way done.
- 	-- The function to add the table to the set must finish
- 	-- these definitions with NOT NULL and UNIQUE after
- 	-- updating all existing rows.
- 	--
- 	if not v_have_serial then
- 		execute ''lock table '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 			'' in access exclusive mode'';
- 		execute ''alter table only '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 			'' add column "_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID" bigint;'';
- 		execute ''alter table only '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 			'' alter column "_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID" '' ||
- 			'' set default "pg_catalog".nextval(''''@NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq'''');'';
- 		v_attkind := v_attkind || ''k'';
- 	end if;
- 	--
- 	-- Return the resulting Slony-I attkind
- 	--
- 	return v_attkind;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .tableAddKey(text) is
- 'tableAddKey (tab_fqname) - if the table has not got a column of the
- form _Slony-I_<clustername>_rowID, then add it as a bigint, defaulted
- to nextval() for a sequence created for the cluster.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION tableDropKey (tab_id)
- --
- --	If the specified table has a column 
- --	"_Slony-I_<clustername>_rowID", then drop it.
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .tableDropKey(int4) returns int4
- as '
- declare
- 	p_tab_id		alias for $1;
- 	v_tab_fqname	text;
- 	v_tab_oid		oid;
- begin
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Grab the central configuration lock
- 	-- ----
- 	lock table @NAMESPACE at .sl_config_lock;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Construct the tables fully qualified name and get its oid
- 	-- ----
- 	select @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || ''.'' ||
- 				@NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname),
- 				PGC.oid into v_tab_fqname, v_tab_oid
- 			from @NAMESPACE at .sl_table T,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_class PGC,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN
- 			where T.tab_id = p_tab_id
- 				and T.tab_reloid = PGC.oid
- 				and PGC.relnamespace = PGN.oid;
- 	if not found then
- 		raise exception ''Slony-I: tableDropKey(): table with ID % not found'', p_tab_id;
- 	end if;
- 	-- ----
- 	-- Drop the special serial ID column if the table has it
- 	-- ----
- 	if exists (select true from "pg_catalog".pg_attribute
- 			where attrelid = v_tab_oid
- 				and attname = ''_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID'')
- 	then
- 		execute ''lock table '' || v_tab_fqname ||
- 				'' in access exclusive mode'';
- 		execute ''alter table '' || v_tab_fqname ||
- 				'' drop column "_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID"'';
- 	end if;
- 	return p_tab_id;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .tableDropKey(int4) is
- 'tableDropKey (tab_id)
- If the specified table has a column "_Slony-I_<clustername>_rowID",
- then drop it.';
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 4647,4650 ----
*** 5022,5109 ****
  primary key (if indexname is NULL).';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION determineAttKindSerial (tab_fqname)
- --
- --	A table was that was specified without a primary key is added
- --	to the replication. Assume that tableAddKey() was called before
- --	and finish the creation of the serial column. The return an
- --	attkind according to that.
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .determineAttkindSerial(text)
- returns text
- as '
- declare
- 	p_tab_fqname	alias for $1;
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted	text default '''';
- 	v_attkind		text default '''';
- 	v_attrow		record;
- 	v_have_serial	bool default ''f'';
- begin
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted := @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_input(p_tab_fqname);
- 	--
- 	-- Loop over the attributes of this relation
- 	-- and add a "v" for every user column, and a "k"
- 	-- if we find the Slony-I special serial column.
- 	--
- 	for v_attrow in select PGA.attnum, PGA.attname
- 			from "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC,
- 			    "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_attribute PGA
- 			where @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || ''.'' ||
- 			    @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = v_tab_fqname_quoted
- 				and PGN.oid = PGC.relnamespace
- 				and PGA.attrelid = PGC.oid
- 				and not PGA.attisdropped
- 				and PGA.attnum > 0
- 			order by attnum
- 	loop
- 		if v_attrow.attname = ''_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID'' then
- 		    v_attkind := v_attkind || ''k'';
- 			v_have_serial := ''t'';
- 		else
- 			v_attkind := v_attkind || ''v'';
- 		end if;
- 	end loop;
- 	--
- 	-- A table must have at least one attribute, so not finding
- 	-- anything means the table does not exist.
- 	--
- 	if not found then
- 		raise exception ''Slony-I: table % not found'', v_tab_fqname_quoted;
- 	end if;
- 	--
- 	-- If it does not have the special serial column, we
- 	-- should not have been called in the first place.
- 	--
- 	if not v_have_serial then
- 		raise exception ''Slony-I: table % does not have the serial key'',
- 				v_tab_fqname_quoted;
- 	end if;
- 	execute ''update '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 		'' set "_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID" ='' ||
- 		'' "pg_catalog".nextval(''''@NAMESPACE at .sl_rowid_seq'''');'';
- 	execute ''alter table only '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 		'' add unique ("_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID");'';
- 	execute ''alter table only '' || v_tab_fqname_quoted ||
- 		'' alter column "_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID" '' ||
- 		'' set not null;'';
- 	--
- 	-- Return the resulting Slony-I attkind
- 	--
- 	return v_attkind;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .determineAttkindSerial(text) is
- 'determineAttKindSerial (tab_fqname)
- A table was that was specified without a primary key is added to the
- replication. Assume that tableAddKey() was called before and finish
- the creation of the serial column. The return an attkind according to
- that.';
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 4882,4885 ----
*** 5237,5275 ****
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FUNCTION tableHasSerialKey (tab_fqname)
- --
- --	Checks if a table has our special serial key column that is
- --	used if the table has no natural unique constraint.
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- create or replace function @NAMESPACE at .tableHasSerialKey(text) 
- returns bool
- as '
- declare
- 	p_tab_fqname	alias for $1;
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted	text default '''';
- 	v_attnum		int2;
- begin
- 	v_tab_fqname_quoted := @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_input(p_tab_fqname);
- 	select PGA.attnum into v_attnum
- 			from "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN,
- 				"pg_catalog".pg_attribute PGA
- 			where @NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || ''.'' ||
- 				@NAMESPACE at .slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) = v_tab_fqname_quoted
- 				and PGC.relnamespace = PGN.oid
- 				and PGA.attrelid = PGC.oid
- 				and PGA.attname = ''_Slony-I_ at CLUSTERNAME@_rowID''
- 				and not PGA.attisdropped;
- 	return found;
- end;
- ' language plpgsql;
- comment on function @NAMESPACE at .tableHasSerialKey(text) is
- 'tableHasSerialKey (tab_fqname)
- Checks if a table has our special serial key column that is used if
- the table has no natural unique constraint.';
- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- FUNCTION updateRelname (set_id, only_on_node)
--- 5013,5016 ----
*** 5809,5813 ****
  	-- Changes for 1.2
  	-- ----
! 	if p_old IN (''1.0.2'', ''1.0.5'', ''1.0.6'', ''1.1.0'', ''1.1.1'', ''1.1.2'', ''1.1.3'', ''1.1.5'', ''1.1.6'', "1.1.7", "1.1.8") then
  		-- Add new table sl_registry
  		execute ''create table @NAMESPACE at .sl_registry (
--- 5550,5554 ----
  	-- Changes for 1.2
  	-- ----
! 	if p_old IN (''1.0.2'', ''1.0.5'', ''1.0.6'', ''1.1.0'', ''1.1.1'', ''1.1.2'', ''1.1.3'', ''1.1.5'', ''1.1.6'', ''1.1.7'', ''1.1.8'', ''1.1.9'') then
  		-- Add new table sl_registry
  		execute ''create table @NAMESPACE at .sl_registry (

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