CVS User Account cvsuser
Sun Feb 27 20:18:08 PST 2005
Log Message:
Add in John Sidney-Woollett <johnsw at>'s Nagios scripts 
for checking that Slony-I is running properly.

Added Files:
    slony1-engine/tools: (r1.1) (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2005/02/27 20:18:05 cbbrowne Exp $
+# nagios plugin that checks whether the slave nodes in a slony cluster
+# are being updated from the master
+# possible exit statuses:
+#  0 = OK
+#  2 = Error, one or more slave nodes are not sync'ing with the master
+# script requires two parameters:
+# CLUSTERNAME - name of slon cluster to be checked
+# DBNAME - name of master database
+# Author:  John Sidney-Woollett
+# Created: 26-Feb-2005
+# Copyright 2005
+# check parameters are valid
+if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]
+   echo "Invalid parameters need CLUSTERNAME DBNAME"
+   exit 2
+# assign parameters
+# setup the query to check the replication status
+SQL="select case
+   when ttlcount = okcount then 'OK - '||okcount||' nodes in sync'
+   else 'ERROR - '||ttlcount-okcount||' of '||ttlcount||' nodes not in sync'
+end as syncstatus
+from (
+-- determine total active receivers
+select (select count(distinct sub_receiver)
+     from _$CLUSTERNAME.sl_subscribe
+     where sub_active = true) as ttlcount,
+-- determine active nodes syncing within 10 seconds
+  select count(*) from (
+   select st_received, st_last_received_ts - st_last_event_ts as cfmdelay
+   from _$CLUSTERNAME.sl_status
+   where st_received in (
+     select distinct sub_receiver
+     from _$CLUSTERNAME.sl_subscribe
+     where sub_active = true
+   )
+) as t1
+where cfmdelay < interval '10 secs') as okcount
+) as t2"
+# query the master database
+CHECK=`/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c "$SQL" --tuples-only -U postgres 
+if [ ! -n "$CHECK" ]
+   echo "ERROR querying $DBNAME"
+   exit 2
+# echo the result of the query
+echo $CHECK
+# and check the return status
+STATUS=`echo $CHECK | awk '{print $1}'`
+if [ $STATUS = "OK" ]
+   exit 0
+   exit 2
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2005/02/27 20:18:05 cbbrowne Exp $
+# nagios plugin that checks whether the slon daemon is running
+# if the 3rd parameter (LOGFILE) is specified then the log file is
+# checked to see if the last entry is a WARN or FATAL message
+# three possible exit statuses:
+#  0 = OK
+#  1 = Warning (warning in slon log file)
+#  2 = Fatal Error (slon not running, or error in log file)
+# script requires two or three parameters:
+# CLUSTERNAME - name of slon cluster to be checked
+# DBNAME - name of database being replicated
+# LOGFILE - (optional) location of the slon log file
+# Author:  John Sidney-Woollett
+# Created: 26-Feb-2005
+# Copyright 2005
+# check parameters are valid
+if [[ $# -lt 2 && $# -gt 3 ]]
+   echo "Invalid parameters need CLUSTERNAME DBNAME [LOGFILE]"
+   exit 2
+# assign parameters
+# check to see whether the slon daemon is running
+SLONPROCESS=`ps -auxww | egrep "[s]lon $CLUSTERNAME" | egrep 
+"dbname=$DBNAME" | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ ! -n "$SLONPROCESS" ]
+   echo "no slon process active"
+   exit 2
+# if the logfile is specified, check it exists
+# and check for the word ERROR or WARN in the last line
+if [ -n "$LOGFILE" ]
+   # check for log file
+   if [ -f "$LOGFILE" ]
+   then
+     LOGLINE=`tail -1 $LOGFILE`
+     LOGSTATUS=`tail -1 $LOGFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
+     if [ $LOGSTATUS = "FATAL" ]
+     then
+       echo "$LOGLINE"
+       exit 2
+     elif [ $LOGSTATUS = "WARN" ]
+     then
+       echo "$LOGLINE"
+       exit 1
+     fi
+   else
+     echo "$LOGFILE not found"
+     exit 2
+   fi
+# otherwise all looks to be OK
+echo "OK - slon process $SLONPROCESS"
+exit 0

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