CVS User Account cvsuser
Mon Apr 11 17:02:45 PDT 2005
Log Message:
Add a test where configuration for slons is passed in via configuration
files rather than as command line parameters

Added Files:
        test_9_fileconf (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null
+++ src/ducttape/test_9_fileconf
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# **********
+# test_9_fileconf
+# 	This test script creates a standalone pgbench database 
+#	as slony_test1 and then:
+#	- initializes a primary node and starts the node daemon
+#	- creates a set containing all 4 pgbench tables
+#	- creates a second database as slony_test2
+#	- adds database slony_test2 to the system
+#	- starts the second replication daemon
+#	- creates the pgbench tables (schema only)
+#	- subscribes the replication set from the primary node
+#  The nature of the test has to do with the use of the new slon
+#  configuration file options
+# **********
+export PATH
+trap '
+	echo ""
+	echo "**** user abort"
+	if [ ! -z $pgbench_pid ] ; then
+		echo "**** killing pgbench"
+		kill -15 $pgbench_pid
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z $slon1_pid ] ; then
+		echo "**** killing node daemon 1"
+		kill -15 $slon1_pid
+	fi
+	if [ ! -z $slon2_pid ] ; then
+		echo "**** killing node daemon 2"
+		kill -15 $slon2_pid
+	fi
+	exit 1
+' 2 15
+# Preparations ... create a standalone pgbench database and
+# have the "application" (pgbench) running.
+# Make sure the install is up to date
+WGM=`which gmake | egrep '^/'`
+if [ -z "$WGM" ] ; then
+    MAKE=make
+    CGNU=`make -v | grep GNU`
+    if [ -z "$CGNU" ] ; then
+	echo "GNU Make not found - please install GNU Make"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    MAKE=gmake
+echo -n "**** running 'make install' in src directory ... "
+if ! ${MAKE} -C .. install >$TMPOUT 2>&1 ; then
+    echo "failed"; cat $TMPOUT; rm $TMPOUT; exit 1
+echo "done"
+define origin 11;
+define sub1 22;
+cluster name = T1;
+node @origin admin conninfo='dbname=$DB1';
+node @sub1 admin conninfo='dbname=$DB2';
+# Remove old databases, if they exist
+echo "**** remove old test databases"
+dropdb $DB1 || echo "**** ignored"
+sleep 1
+dropdb $DB2 || echo "**** ignored"
+sleep 1
+# Create the "Primary Node"
+echo "**** creating database for Node 11"
+createdb $DB1 || exit 1
+pgbench -i -s $PGBENCH_SCALE $DB1
+pg_dump -s $DB1 >pgbench_schema.sql
+# Start pgbench in the background and give it rampup time
+echo "**** pgbench is running in background with pid $pgbench_pid"
+echo -n "**** sleeping 10 seconds to give pgbench time for rampup ... "
+sleep 10
+echo "done"
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** $DB1 is now a standalone database with a running pgbench"
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+# Setup DB1 as the primary cluster T1 node, start the node daemon,
+# and create a replication set containing the pgbench tables.
+echo "**** initializing $DB1 as Primary Node for Slony-I cluster T1"
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>;
+	init cluster (id = @origin, comment = 'Node @origin');
+	echo 'Database $DB1 initialized as Node 11';
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	kill $pgbench_pid;
+	exit 1
+echo "log_level=$DEBUG_LEVEL" > $SLONCONF1
+echo "sync_group_maxsize=10" >> $SLONCONF1
+echo "sql_on_connection='select now();'" >> $SLONCONF1
+echo "conn_info='dbname=$DB1'" >> $SLONCONF1
+echo "sync_interval=1000" >> $SLONCONF1
+echo "cluster_name='T1'" >> $SLONCONF1
+echo "**** starting the Slony-I node daemon for $DB1"
+xterm -title "Slon node 11" -e sh -c "slon -f $SLONCONF1 ; echo -n 'Enter>'; read line" &
+echo "slon[$slon1_pid] on dbname=$DB1"
+echo "**** creating a replication set containing the 4 pgbench tables ... "
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>;
+	try {
+		table add key (node id = @origin, fully qualified name = 'public.history');
+	}
+	on error {
+		exit 1;
+	}
+	try {
+		create set (id = 1, origin = @origin, comment = 'Set 1 - pgbench tables');
+		set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin,
+			id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.accounts',
+			comment = 'Table accounts');
+		set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin,
+			id = 2, fully qualified name = 'public.branches',
+			comment = 'Table branches');
+		set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin,
+			id = 3, fully qualified name = 'public.tellers',
+			comment = 'Table tellers');
+		set add table (set id = 1, origin = @origin,
+			id = 4, fully qualified name = 'public.history',
+			key = serial, comment = 'Table accounts');
+	}
+	on error {
+		exit 1;
+	}
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	echo "failed"
+	kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	cat $TMPOUT
+	rm $TMPOUT
+	exit 1
+echo "**** set created"
+# Check that pgbench is still running
+if ! kill -0 $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null ; then
+	echo "**** pgbench terminated ???"
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	exit 1
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** $DB1 is now the Slony-I origin for set 1"
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+# Setup DB2 as a subscriber node and let it subscribe the replication
+# set of the running pgbench
+echo "**** creating database for node 22"
+if ! createdb $DB2 ; then
+	kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	exit 1
+echo "**** initializing $DB2 as node 22 of Slony-I cluster T1"
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>;
+	echo 'Creating node 22';
+	try {
+		store node (id = @sub1, comment = 'node @sub1', event node = @origin);
+        } on error {
+	    echo 'could not establish node @sub1';
+	    exit -1;
+	}
+	try {
+		store path (server = @origin, client = @sub1, conninfo = 'dbname=$DB1');
+		store path (server = @sub1, client = @origin, conninfo = 'dbname=$DB2');
+	}
+	on error { 
+	    echo 'could not establish paths between @origin and @sub1';
+	    exit -1; 
+	}
+	echo 'Database $DB2 added as node @sub1';
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	exit 1
+echo "log_level=$DEBUG_LEVEL" > $SLONCONF2
+echo "sync_group_maxsize=10" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "sql_on_connection='select now();'" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "conn_info='dbname=$DB2'" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "sync_interval=1000" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "desired_sync_time=10000" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "cluster_name='T1'" >> $SLONCONF2
+echo "**** starting the Slony-I node daemon for $DB1"
+xterm -title "Slon node 22" -e sh -c "slon -f $SLONCONF2; echo -n 'Enter>'; read line" &
+echo "slon[$slon2_pid] on dbname=$DB2"
+# Check that pgbench is still running
+if ! kill -0 $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null ; then
+	echo "**** pgbench terminated ???"
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	exit 1
+# And now comes the moment where the big elephant starts to pee
+# and the attendants in the first row climb on their chairs ...
+echo "**** creating pgbench tables and subscribing node 22 to set 1"
+	cat pgbench_schema.sql
+) | psql -q $DB2
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	include <$PREAMBLE_FILE>;
+	subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = @origin, receiver = @sub1, forward = yes );
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** $DB2 should now be copying data and attempting to catch up."
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+echo -n "**** waiting for pgbench to finish "
+while kill -0 $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null ; do
+	echo -n "."
+	sleep 10
+echo "**** pgbench finished"
+echo "**** please terminate the replication engines when caught up."
+wait $slon1_pid
+wait $slon2_pid
+kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+kill $slon2_pid 2>/dev/null
+echo -n "**** comparing databases ... "
+psql $DB1 >dump.tmp.1.$$ <<_EOF_
+	select 'accounts:'::text, aid, bid, abalance, filler
+			from accounts order by aid;
+	select 'branches:'::text, bid, bbalance, filler
+			from branches order by bid;
+	select 'tellers:'::text, tid, bid, tbalance, filler
+			from tellers order by tid;
+	select 'history:'::text, tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime, filler,
+			"_Slony-I_T1_rowID" from history order by "_Slony-I_T1_rowID";
+psql $DB2 >dump.tmp.2.$$ <<_EOF_
+	select 'accounts:'::text, aid, bid, abalance, filler
+			from accounts order by aid;
+	select 'branches:'::text, bid, bbalance, filler
+			from branches order by bid;
+	select 'tellers:'::text, tid, bid, tbalance, filler
+			from tellers order by tid;
+	select 'history:'::text, tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime, filler,
+			"_Slony-I_T1_rowID" from history order by "_Slony-I_T1_rowID";
+if diff dump.tmp.1.$$ dump.tmp.2.$$ >test_1.diff ; then
+	echo "success - databases are equal."
+	rm dump.tmp.?.$$
+	rm test_1.diff
+	echo "FAILED - see test_1.diff for database differences"

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