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8.26. altertabledroptriggers(p_tab_id integer)
Function Properties
Language: PLPGSQL
Return Type: integer
alterTableDropTriggers (tab_id) Remove the log and deny access triggers from a table.declare v_no_id int4; v_tab_row record; v_tab_fqname text; v_n int4; begin -- ---- -- Grab the central configuration lock -- ---- lock table sl_config_lock; -- ---- -- Get our local node ID -- ---- v_no_id := getLocalNodeId('_schemadoc'); -- ---- -- Get the sl_table row and the current tables origin. -- ---- select T.tab_reloid, T.tab_set, S.set_origin, PGX.indexrelid, slon_quote_brute(PGN.nspname) || '.' || slon_quote_brute(PGC.relname) as tab_fqname into v_tab_row from sl_table T, sl_set S, "pg_catalog".pg_class PGC, "pg_catalog".pg_namespace PGN, "pg_catalog".pg_index PGX, "pg_catalog".pg_class PGXC where T.tab_id = p_tab_id and T.tab_set = S.set_id and T.tab_reloid = PGC.oid and PGC.relnamespace = PGN.oid and PGX.indrelid = T.tab_reloid and PGX.indexrelid = PGXC.oid and PGXC.relname = T.tab_idxname for update; if not found then raise exception 'Slony-I: alterTableDropTriggers(): Table with id % not found', p_tab_id; end if; v_tab_fqname = v_tab_row.tab_fqname; execute 'lock table ' || v_tab_fqname || ' in access exclusive mode'; -- ---- -- Drop both triggers -- ---- execute 'drop trigger "_schemadoc_logtrigger" on ' || v_tab_fqname; execute 'drop trigger "_schemadoc_denyaccess" on ' || v_tab_fqname; perform alterTableDropTruncateTrigger(v_tab_fqname, p_tab_id); return p_tab_id; end;