1.117. storenode_int( integer, text, boolean )

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: integer

no_id - Node ID # no_comment - Human-oriented comment no_spool - Flag for virtual spool nodes Internal function to process the STORE_NODE event for node no_id

	p_no_id			alias for $1;
	p_no_comment	alias for $2;
	p_no_spool		alias for $3;
	v_old_row		record;
	-- ----
	-- Grab the central configuration lock
	-- ----
	lock table sl_config_lock;

	-- ----
	-- Check if the node exists
	-- ----
	select * into v_old_row
			from sl_node
			where no_id = p_no_id
			for update;
	if found then 
		-- ----
		-- Node exists, update the existing row.
		-- ----
		update sl_node
				set no_comment = p_no_comment,
				no_spool = p_no_spool
				where no_id = p_no_id;
		-- ----
		-- New node, insert the sl_node row
		-- ----
		insert into sl_node
				(no_id, no_active, no_comment, no_spool) values
				(p_no_id, 'f', p_no_comment, p_no_spool);
	end if;

	return p_no_id;