1.92. replicate_partition( integer, text, text, text, text )

Function Properties

Language: PLPGSQL

Return Type: bigint

Add a partition table to replication. tab_idxname is optional - if NULL, then we use the primary key. This function looks up replication configuration via the parent table.

  p_tab_id alias for $1;
  p_nspname alias for $2;
  p_tabname alias for $3;
  p_idxname alias for $4;
  p_comment alias for $5;

  prec record;
  prec2 record;
  v_set_id int4;

-- Look up the parent table; fail if it does not exist
   select c1.oid into prec from pg_catalog.pg_class c1, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_inherits i, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where c1.oid = i.inhparent  and c2.oid = i.inhrelid and n.oid = c2.relnamespace and n.nspname = p_nspname and c2.relname = p_tabname;
   if not found then
	raise exception 'replicate_partition: No parent table found for %.%!', p_nspname, p_tabname;
   end if;

-- The parent table tells us what replication set to use
   select tab_set into prec2 from sl_table where tab_reloid = prec.oid;
   if not found then
	raise exception 'replicate_partition: Parent table % for new partition %.% is not replicated!', prec.oid, p_nspname, p_tabname;
   end if;

   v_set_id := prec2.tab_set;

-- Now, we have all the parameters necessary to run add_empty_table_to_replication...
   return add_empty_table_to_replication(v_set_id, p_tab_id, p_nspname, p_tabname, p_idxname, p_comment);